Oh Behave® Sit. Stay. Learn.
Our Dog Training Blog
We share information on dog behavior, dog training tips, and dog-friendly events in Broward and South Florida.
4 Things You Should Know Before Getting an Emotional Support Dog
Emotional support dogs can provide much needed comfort and relief to their owners. However, dogs come with needs that owners are required to provide. Providing for needs can be overwhelming and stressful.
4 Things You Need to Know About Service Dogs and ESAs
There is a huge lack of resources, and much confusion on the subjects of service animals, emotional support animals, and therapy dogs too. It’s no wonder that people use these legal terms interchangeably and owners of stores and restaurants have no idea how to deal with “fakers.”
Dog Friendly Events in SOFLA!
Dog friendly events in Broward County Florida
Maddie’s Brush with Therapy Work
In belated honor of the Veteran’s Day holiday, I wanted to share an amazing experience from last year. My dog Maddie visited a World War II veteran to give him a little love and furry therapy. A special thanks goes to Kay Intemann for reaching out to me, trusting me, and giving Maddie an opportunity to give a little happiness to a hero.
“My Dog Has Issues, I Have No Life”
Many of the common complaints I hear from dog owners, are behaviors that are very isolating. A credentialed dog trainer can assist dogs and owners to work through temporary lifestyle adjustments.
Hurricane Preparation for You and Your Dog (other pets too)
Although I hate to jump on the media hype for approaching storms, I strongly suggest having a plan that includes your pets. My website has a page devoted completely to having a hurricane plan that includes your pets.
Finally, A Solution for Pet Accidents on Rugs
Dos and don’ts for cleaning pet accidents on rugs from the experts at Oriental Rug Care in Fort Lauderdale.
“My Dog Bit Someone by Accident”
When I speak to clients about bite incidents, sometimes I hear them describe it as “My dog bit someone by accident. The danger in thinking a bite incident is an accident is that it is assumed that the event is random and will not happen again. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Mother’s Day Wishes from Oh Behave
Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Dog Mom friends!